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The My Chemical Romance members standing infront of a painting while Gerard Way holds a rose

Starting off in New Jersey, My Chemical Romance was birthed out of the lead singer - Gerard Way - witnessing the tragedy of 9/11. At the time, he was working for Cartoon Network, on his way to the job, but realized that he wanted to do more with his life then work for a corporate business.

The story goes that he called old friends after years, asking if they were satisfied with life, and after they would answer no, he would propose the idea of a band. And little by little, Gerard Way had built My Chemical Romance.

The band had initially started out performing, before writing any songs and only performing covers. Their will to perform was stronger than to write songs at first, but it quickly changed when they found the lead singer to the band Thursday at a party, ending the night with convincing him into producing their first album.

It was recorded in two weeks, and released on July 23rd, 2002. The distribution of this album began to present them multiple oppurtunities in tours, merchandise, and three years later, a movie about their life on the road.